Monday 31 August 2015

Wristwarmers Test Knit

I did my first ever test knit for a fellow iger and I am in love!
The gorgeous zigzags are done with a very simple two stitch cross cable and the end result is fantastic. I chose to do mine with stripes of purple and turquoise (I frickin love me some stripes!)
I'm now actually looking forward to the colder weather so I can wear them!

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Thursday 27 August 2015

Aran Cardigan Progress Update

Woo hoo, left side is done!

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Tuesday 25 August 2015

Dinosaur Cardigan: Nephew #2!

My sister posted a great pic of my second nephew modelling the dinosaur cardigan I made years ago for Nephew #1 on his second birthday. It's so great to see it being loved again!

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Saturday 22 August 2015

Cabled Tea Cosies

It's been absolutely ages since I made any tea cosies so I thought I would challenge myself to make a few before the end of the month, here's the two I made this week.

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Friday 21 August 2015

A Good Day Shopping

I was walking past a charity shop today when I spotted these in the window, finally have the complete collection!

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Tuesday 18 August 2015

Knock, knock, knock, Penny (update)

I got a wonderful picture from a customer showing me the geeky Big Bang Theory bracelet she commissioned via Instagram, bonus doggy model too!

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Saturday 15 August 2015

Ripping and resewing!

It turns out I'm really bad at cutting out squares! I sewed the squares into strips but when I went to sew the strips together I found that loads of them were slightly off so I've been spending a LOT OF time with my beloved seam ripper....I even wrote a wee poem in honour of this vital piece of kit!

Ode to a Seam Ripper

Tiny helper of plastic and metal,
You save me from myself.
You protect me from fear and doubt
Like an angel or an elf.

Tiny helper of plastic and metal,
How would I cope alone?
I'd cry and scream and stamp my foot,
And quit sewing with a groan.

Tiny helper of plastic and metal,
Without you I would simply stop.
I would never sew another stitch,
Just buy things in a shop.

Coming together slowly but surely! 

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Thursday 13 August 2015

Some Gorgeous Models!

A while ago I was commissioned to make a bunch of monster kid's hats, then the customer sent me this fabulous picture of them being modelled. I particularly like the dude on the end!

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Wednesday 12 August 2015


Feeling pretty unwell today so not been able to work, I don't think I realised how much I depend on crafting to occupy myself, I've been soooo bored!
So here's to knitting, sewing, cross stitch, card making, jewellery making and all the other crafts that keep me sane, teach me patience and rock my world!

My best friend! 
Working on my Night Cheese (bracelet!)
So lucky to find fairy wings around Glasgow 
I love my job!

Monday 10 August 2015

Aran Cardigan Progress

Definitely starting to get more confident with this pattern now.
I do tend to get a little flustered and overwhelmed with a new pattern but I'm learning to manage those feelings after many years of depression and anxiety.
Crafting has helped so much with those issues, trying to learn new things and building my confidence over the years.  

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Saturday 8 August 2015

Colombian Flag Tea Cosy

I was sent a picture of this tea cosy I made hard at work in Colombia. My goal is to have a tea cosy on every continent, only Asia, Africa and Antarctica to go!

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Friday 7 August 2015

Finally Cracking on With an Aran Cardigan

I cast on this cardigan weeks ago then put it aside as the pattern seemed super complicated; I picked it up again this week and I feel like I'm getting the hang of the pattern now thankfully!

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Thursday 6 August 2015

Knock, knock, knock, Penny!

Knock, knock, knock, Penny! Knock, knock, knock, Penny!
This cute wee bracelet was a recent commission via Instagram. I'm so grateful to the customer for the idea, I'd been looking for a Big Bang Theory idea for my range of geeky jewellery! 

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Wednesday 5 August 2015

I'm So Bad at Blogging!

I keep reading that posting every day is a good thing so I'm going to try! Here's today' very own Hobbit door made for the annual celebration that is the Hobbit's Tea Party, a day long feast and LOTR watching spectacular.
