Saturday 15 August 2015

Ripping and resewing!

It turns out I'm really bad at cutting out squares! I sewed the squares into strips but when I went to sew the strips together I found that loads of them were slightly off so I've been spending a LOT OF time with my beloved seam ripper....I even wrote a wee poem in honour of this vital piece of kit!

Ode to a Seam Ripper

Tiny helper of plastic and metal,
You save me from myself.
You protect me from fear and doubt
Like an angel or an elf.

Tiny helper of plastic and metal,
How would I cope alone?
I'd cry and scream and stamp my foot,
And quit sewing with a groan.

Tiny helper of plastic and metal,
Without you I would simply stop.
I would never sew another stitch,
Just buy things in a shop.

Coming together slowly but surely! 

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