Tuesday 19 January 2016

2015 in Retrospect

2015 was a BIG year for Baldy's Knits & Bits!

I got much more practice using the sewing machine, had some amazing custom orders and got really into jewellery making.

It was a great year for my confidence and motivation, I feel so much more capable than I did a year ago and I've learned not to completely dismiss an idea before finding out if I'm actually able to make it!

Two Patchwork Blankets for Mum and Son.
Matching Messenger Bags for the Same Mum and Son.
Monster Ears Baby Hat
Scientist's Cushion Cover
Lace Shawl
Simple Balaclava 
Chunky Cable Blanket
Upcycled Bunting 
Aran Cardigan 
Stunning Wristwarmers Test Knit
Teal Messenger Bag
Shetland Wool Hat
Practice Wire Wrapping 
Red Metallic Messenger Bag
A Baker's Dozen Socks!
Christmas Stall
Nice and Simple Hat
Geeky Jewellery 
Silver Plated Jewellery 
More Geeky Jewellery! 

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