Thursday 9 January 2014

Happy 2014!

A very happy new year to everyone!

These are some of my recent commissions...I am so fortunate that people ask for pretty cool stuff! I had a real challenge with the bag I made for a student. It was a great learning experience and I'm really proud of the quality of the finished item.

It is fully lined and both the outer and lining pieces have a fusible lining added for extra strength. I also padded out the strap for comfort as the bag will be used for books. The bag has two wee pockets for phone/pens etc and two chunky black buttons to keep the top flap in place.

 A simple winter hat request.
  Adorable green and pink dino cardigan for a first birthday.
         Lavender scented rice pack for aches and pains, my first time doing sewn on patches

Finally fits into her wee cardigan, so cute!

I did have a pretty good 2013, only did a couple of stalls but they were pretty good in terms of sales. I developed my skills on the sewing machine and got into cross stitch. The plan for this year is to try and be more productive and to try and cut down my wool stash a bit as I currently have three massive Ikea bags full of lovely bits of wool and I am running out of space in my work cupboard!

All the best for 2014!