Tuesday 20 November 2012

Been busy...woo hoo!

So I had my fist ever non friend/family realted commission, a lady got in touch and ordered 5 kid's hats with ears, all in different colours. It was totally awesome and she even posted a pic on my Facebook of all the kids hanging out together wearing them, it's pretty cute!

I've recently been pretty busy preparing for Xmas fairs and the like, definitely need to remember to start making Xmas stuff much earlier next year (much as it pains me!), didn't leave myself nearly enough time to make stockings and tree decorations for sale.

Thankfully I do have a couple of folks interested in some custom orders for gifts so looking good for this year's festive period. One lady fancies a dragon/dino hoddie for her nephew and another person wants a monster Kindle cosy, pretty happy bunny!