Monday 30 July 2012

So I've started making some geeky bracelets inspired by some of my favourite TV and movies...

Inspired by Battlestar Galactica

Inspired by Parks and Recreation

What Would Brian Boitano Do?...Inspired by the funniest movie of all time

What Would Phil Dunphy Do?...Inspired by the wonderful Modern Family

Monday 23 July 2012

Fair Isle cardigan finally done!

Woo hoo, finally finished my sister's Fair Isle cardigan! Been working on it for over two years (mainly because she's not paying for it!) and it's finally done...never doing one again right enough but it looks not too bad and I really hope she'll be happy with it, shejust graduated from uni so it'll hopefully be a nice graduation present for her (I'm both really proud and slightly horrified that my peerie sister is grown up enough to have a degree!

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Baldy's Links

Though I should include these links so folks can see some of the Bits

Trying new things

Been trying to make monster baby booties but it's not quite working yet...just keep swimming though I suppose!

Monday 16 July 2012

Getting started...

Woo hoo, first post...2am so not much to say but I may as well get started...